King David is one of my favourite characters in the Bible, not only because we share the same first letter in our names and a passion for music, but also because of his ability to wholeheartedly worship God in good and bad times. In Psalm 34, David reminds us to praise God through every circumstance, especially during seasons of great trials. We all experience difficult times where it feels like God has left us and our prayers have gone unanswered. These moments can lead us to lose our desire for God, making it hard to worship, read the Bible, or fellowship with others at church.
However, David encourages us not to stop worshipping God no matter what challenges we face in life. Trials should not define us or determine our destiny, only God can. So, how can we practically worship God during tough times? Here are a few things that I do to keep me going:
First, I acknowledge and invite God into my pain, frustration, or disappointment. I tell Him exactly how I feel about the situation and ask for His presence to help me process every emotion.
Second, I shift the focus from myself to God. Difficult times are a part of life, and it's easy to get consumed by our problems. We can forget that God is the problem solver and instead become fixated on our issues. Psalm 42:11 reminds us to put our hope in God, for He is our Savior and our God.
Third, I remember that God is in control. Praising God during hard times reminds me that He is still sovereign over my life. He knows everything that happens to me and cares deeply about my well-being. Matthew 10:29-31 tells us that not even a sparrow falls to the ground without God's knowledge. When we trust in God, He promises to strengthen and help us. Isaiah 41:10 encourages us not to fear, for God is with us and will uphold us with His righteous right hand.
I pray that you will fill your life with praise to the Lord, even during difficult times. May you find hope and peace as you remember that God is in control and always with you.